Volunteer Opportunities

- Teach life skills to youth online
- Event support
- Nightstop – provide a bed for the night
Phone: 905-475-6694
Email: info@360kids.org

- Speed mentoring – mentor new Canadians face-t0-face
- Support Newcomer Entrepreneurs
- Mentor with TRIEC Mentoring Partnership (18 hour commitment over 3 months)
- Guest Speaking
- Virtual Volunteering (Job search webinars, career information sessions, employer panels & Q&A Sessions)
Phone: 416-921-1800
Email: info@accesemployment.ca

- Harm Reduction Program
- HIV/AIDS Program
- Rainbow Space Program
Phone: 416-553-5656
Email: info@cayrcc.org

- Board of Directors & Committee Members
- Volunteer Transportation Driving
- Telephone Reassurance Volunteers
- Lunch out/Coffee Club Volunteers
Phone: 905-713-6596
Email: seniorshelp@chats.on.ca

- Event support
- Represent CTN at community events
- Board of Directors or Committees
- Family Advisor Committee
- Contribute Articles and Stories for website
Phone: 1-866-377-0286
Email: volunteers@ctnsy.ca

- IT Support
- Early Childhood Assistant/Children Assistant
- Opportunities always changing!
Phone: 905-895-3789
Email: info@cicscanada.com

- Recreation Group Facilitator
- Administrative volunteering
- Client Programs
- Peer Support
- Board & Committee Members
- Event Support
- Client-Family Advising
- Opportunities always changing!
Phone: 905-841-3977
Email: yorkregion@cmha-yr.on.ca
- Food receiving, sorting, shelving
- Warehouse keeping
- Client Reception
- Food distribution
- Drivers for food pickup or delivery
- Community food drives
- Fundraising events
- IT Support for office systems and website
Phone: 905-596-0557 x 5452
Email: volunteer@georginafoodpantry.com

- Fundraising through Friends of the Library program
- Program Guest Speaking
- Teen volunteering to assist with programing & the Teen Advisory Group (TAG)
Phone: 905-476-7233
Email: eservicesupport@georgina.ca

- Bingo Volunteers
- Program Facilitation Assistance
- Office Administration
- Holiday Events
- Other Special Events
Phone: 905-830-0776
Email: ushany@girlsincyork.org

- After School Program Volunteer
- Summer Camp Volunteer
- Fundraising Volunteer
Phone: 905-722-5540
Email: info@jerichoys.org

- Email to learn about current opportunities.
Phone: 1-833-775-3779
Email: info@kerrysplace.org

- Tutoring
- Office Help
- Outreach and Fundraising
- Working Committees
- Board of Directors
Phone: 905-476-9900
Email: info@lcgeorgina.org

- Constantly changing list of opportunities. Click “Volunteer Opportunities” to explore the options.
Phone: 416-425-3463
Email: volunteer@marchofdimes.ca

- Bingo Volunteer
- Child Minding to help care for babies/children in their Child Development Centre
- Rosie’s Closet to help with the organization of donated items and packing care bags
Phone: 905-853-5514 x 226 | 905-716-3956
Email: cdowell@roseofsharon.com

- Volunteer Client Driver (reimbursed for mileage at $0.53/km)
- Volunteer Delivery Driver for community meals and foodbank bundles
- Friendly Caller – friendly phone check ins with members of our community
- Bingo Volunteer
- Board Member
- Tech Support Volunteer – teach seniors about how to use their technology in person or online.
Phone: 905-722-4616
Email: info@routescc.org

- Child Care
- Event Organization
- Shelter Cleaning
- Board Members
Phone: 905-722-4043 x 151
Email: info@sandgate.ca

- Ambassador – raise awareness and promote their services
- Fundraising – support fundraising efforts
- Event assistance & ticket sales
- Office Administration
- Seasonal support
- French Language Specialist
Phone: 905-477-7743
Email: info@shinethroughtherain.ca

If you are interested in supporting the physical, mental and social health of Keswick residents, please reach out.
Phone: 905-476-5621
Email: klo@vaughanchc.com

- Volunteer Driver
- Big Buddy Mentor
- Tutor
- Homework Club
- Family Visit Support Program
- Administrative Support
- Special Events and Projects
- Board of Directors
Phone: 905-895-2318 x 6402
Email: volunteering@yorkcas.org