Legal & Financial Services

The Community Legal Clinic of York Region (‘CLCYR’) is a not-for-profit organization which serves low-income residents in York Region. The clinic is staffed by lawyers, paralegals and support staff and offers free legal help to those who meet our financial eligibility criteria
- Housing and tenant’s rights
- Social assistance
- injury compensation
- employment and immigration
- referral and legal representation
Georgina Residents:
Are these services offered in Georgina Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 905-508-5018
Toll-free: 1-888-365-5226
Fax: 1-905-508-7539

The Ontario Disability Support Program is a financial assistance and benefits program for Ontario citizens over the age of 18 who have a disability and need help with their living expenses. This program is administered by the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services
Services Offered:
- Financial Assistance
- Drug & vision care coverage
- Services and supports to help clients with disabilities find occupation and advance their careers
Georgina Residents:
Are these services offered in Georgina Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: YES/NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 905-868-8900

Ontario Works (OW) benefits are for people who need money because they cannot find work or temporarily cannot work
- Financial assistance to qualifying individuals to help with cost of basic needs, food, clothing, and shelter
- Provides benefits such as drug coverage and vision care for clients and their eligible family members
Georgina Residents:
Are these services offered in Georgina Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone Keswick Location: 1-877-464-9675
Phone: 416-325-5666
Toll Free: 1-888-789-4199
Toll Free for people with hearing disabilities: 1-800-387-5559

Sandgate Women’s Shelter of York Region Inc. is a feminist organization, dedicated to empowering all persons who identify as women and their children through safe shelter, resources, information and advocacy in order to eliminate violence in their lives
- 24-hour safe shelter, crisis helpline
- Supportive counselling for moms and children
- Safety planning
- Meals, clothing, and personal necessities
- Financial, legal, medical, and housing assistance
- Assistance with emergency transportation
- Advocacy
- Referrals
- Children’s programs, including culturally sensitive services
Georgina Residents:
Are these services offered in Georgina Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: YES/NO
Contact Information:
24-Hr Crisis Line: 1-800-661-8294
Phone: 905-722-4043
Fax: 905-722-8416

Shine Through the Rain Foundation aims to help individuals and families affected by life-threatening illness, working hard to improve and enrich the lives of those who approach us in their time of need. They support adults, children and families from all walks of life, providing advice, guidance and financial support as they try to navigate emotional, physical and financial challenges that arise from a health crisis
- Guidance, support, and financial aid to those who are affected by life threatening illness
- Rainy Day Fund
- Camp Scholarship Program
- Camp Backpack Program
Georgina Residents:
Are these services offered in Georgina Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: NO
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 905-477-7743
Fax: 905-477-4251

York Region Housing Mediation Services® is a Conflict Resolution Program partnered with the Community Legal Clinic of York Region. Their objective is to resolve disputes between landlord and tenants and/or tenants and tenants that if left unresolved would lead to a lengthier and more expensive process at the Landlord & Tenant Board
Services Offered:
- Program designed to help housing providers and their users resolve conflicts through free and confidential mediation
Georgina Residents:
Are these services offered in Georgina Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 905-505-2535

Programs that help eligible York Region residents, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness not receiving Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Program benefits, to stabilize their housing
Georgina Residents:
Are these services offered in Georgina Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: NO
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 905-895-4293 or 1-866-512-6228
Toll Free: 1-888-256-1112